Social Compliance Policy





Social Compliance Policy


As Arkel Elektrik Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.Ş, we endeavor to establish transparent, sensitive and high-quality systems at every stage of production and management for our employees, customers, stakeholders and the environment and ensure its sustainable operation.


Prevention of Forced or Mandatory Labor


Employees must perform the work specified in their job descriptions in exchange for compensation pursuant to the contract established between them and the employer. The employer undertakes to not have an employee work overtime or work outside the employment contract without the consent of the employee.


Prevention of Child Labor


Our company undertakes to comply with child and youth labor procedures and principles and not to hire anyone below the legal age limit.


Prevention of Discrimination


Our company undertakes to not discriminate against employees based on age; gender; race; religion; language; nationality; ethnic or national origin; social class; sexual orientation; belief; civil, social or economic status; disability; political opinion; participation in trade union activities and union membership; family responsibilities; disease; pregnancy; or military service status or any other condition that may cause discrimination. We have integrated mechanisms to prevent such discrimination.


Commitment to Society and Stakeholders


Our company undertakes to establish good faith by listening to the opinions of its stakeholders, obtaining information based on their views and taking their opinions into account. In this context, we determine the representatives of the employees according to the legislation and create an environment where the employees can discuss their problems with the representatives and allow them to report their opinions in writing to the suggestion boxes. Where appropriate, we establish a dialogue with our stakeholders on matters related to the workplace and workplace rights.


Recruitment and Employment


We undertake to carry out employment practices in accordance with the law and certain rules (on foreign workers, fairness, leave, wage, holiday, employment contract etc.) after the determination of the open positions by the management.


Employment Contract


The “Employment Contract” is arranged between the company and the person to be employed in accordance with the workplace rules and the law and includes the conditions offered to the candidate. Candidates who agree to join the company are required to sign the “Employment Contract.”


Foreign Employees


Employment contracts of foreign employees are prepared in their native language. The Company undertakes to protect the labor rights of foreign workers.


Working Hours and Wages


We comply with the laws and regulations when determining working hours, seek the consent of our employees for overtime work, comply with the weekly and annual overtime limits specified by the law, and pay the overtime premium as determined by the law.


Our company gives its employees competitive wages by taking account of the industry and local labor market. Our practices are in full compliance with the applicable laws and labor contracts on wages, working hours, overtime work and benefits.


Rest Days and Holidays


Employees cannot be deprived of rest and holidays within their legal rights. Employees who work five days a week are given a two-day holiday.


Labor Discipline


The company implements the rules set by the disciplinary board to ensure smooth operation. The Company cannot impose any salary deductions as part of employee discipline.


Occupational Health and Safety


The Company undertakes to fully comply with the Occupational Health and Safety rules and customer social compliance standards and projects requirements; effectively implement new technical methods and innovations; and take necessary measures by examining the factors and conditions that affect the health and safety of all employees, temporary employees, subcontractor employees, visitors, customers and any person at the workplace.


Environmental Protection


We undertake to comply with the applicable environmental legislation and customer standards, prevent environmental pollution based on impact assessment, and reduce pollution at the source through effective waste management practices.






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